I had some success with adding these media queries to my project’s style sheet:
@media( max-width: 1000px ) {
body {
width: auto;
@media( max-width: 700px) {
body {
font-size: 1.5em;
So I tried to keep going by taking a page where I have a row of three buttons and making it use Bootstrap to stack into 3 rows if the screen is too narrow. I added Bootstrap via a CssInfo using a CDN. Two negative things happened. First, something about the fonts changed, causing text to wrap that used to not wrap (throughout the system, but only in a few places), or be bold when it didn’t used to be bold. Noticeable and worse but not a total upheaval of the UI. I guess this sort of makes sense because all the styles added in Global come after the default styles, so it’s probably winning in a few places, and if EWL added bootstrap itself, first, this may not happen.
Second, all of my media query progress above was erased, regardless of whether I returned the Bootstrap CssInfo before or after my own sheet in the list. Resizing the browser width does not - er, just figured out while writing this that my media queries still work but it’s really the exact same problem as above - instead of my fonts increasing to 1.5em like they should, fonts are getting steamrolled by Bootstrap somehow. Actually, my fonts ARE increasing to 1.5em, it’s just that 1.5EM is a way smaller size than it was before (which is odd, because the original font size doesn’t look very different). Bottom line is that Bootstrap styles are mucking with the fonts so it’s kind of hard to use this piecemeal. Oh well.