We need to be able to have a confirmation dialog while using selected row actions. I don’t feel comfortable implementing a feature that can do damage without there being either some ability to re-think the decision, or go back and see what happened. EwfTable doesn’t support selected row actions, so we’re talking about DynamicTable here.
To re-think the decision, I would like to use a confirmation dialog. Which selected row actions does not support. I am able to pull it off with an extreme penalty: implementing my own button that is associated with the selected row actions. That extreme penalty is:
- Having to declare a separate variable to hold the DataModification object
- Having to create the PostBackButton, provide it the DM object.
- Style the button correctly, because normally all table actions are text-action-control styles.
- Add the button to the page myself
- Wait, it’s on the left side and actions should be on the right side. We don’t have the ability to place things on the right easily.
fields: new[] { new EwfTableField( textAlignment: TextAlignment.Right ) },
( new EwfTableItem(
new PostBackButton( pb, new TextActionControlStyle( “The button” ), usesSubmitBehavior: false )
ConfirmationWindowContentControl = “Are you sure?”.GetLiteralControl()
} ).ToSingleElementArray() ).ToFunctions() )
Attempting to be able to go back and see what happened is impossible. We don’t want N log items per this one action. It’s impossible to run a modification after the selected row actions have executed, so there’s no reasonable ability to add the messages to a list and add the whole list to a single log after the operation is complete.