One Aspose dependency down

We’re just one code review away from removing EWL’s dependency on Aspose.Cells, which is a good step forward!

It did take me over a day to get this merged though, not because anything major was wrong with the pull request, but because ClosedXML was our first NuGet dependency to use .NET-framework-specific dependencies of its own. This exposed a major bug in the NuGet command-line executable that is not our fault in any way. nuget install just doesn’t work if one of these conditional-dependency packages is included anywhere in the dependency tree of what you’re trying to install. In order to preserve the one-click Update All Dependent Logic operation for EWL itself, I needed to jump through some NuGet-imposed hoops, so I decided to rewrite the batch file as a PowerShell script, and that’s what took all the time.

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